We enjoy the honesty and deliciousness of what we encounter in Croatia, what the people prepare from all that is healthy and pure that comes from their land.
From ajvar, honey, nuts, oils to wine made from grapes from our own land: every now and then we bring some back to let interested parties enjoy with us.
In addition to delicacies from the other side of Europe, we have been making some of our own personal care products and cleaning products based on natural ingredients for a while now. At the request of many, we are also happy to share them with you.
Raw honey is often praised for its health benefits, but of course this only applies to real, unprocessed raw honey and not the refined honey found in many supermarkets.
1. Natural energy source: Raw honey contains natural sugars, such as glucose and fructose, which provide energy quickly. It is an excellent source of short-term energy for athletes and people who need a quick energy boost.
2. Antioxidants: Raw honey contains antioxidants, such as flavonoids, which can help fight free radicals and reduce oxidative stress in the body. This can contribute to a healthier immune system and reduced risk of chronic diseases.
3. Soothing effect on sore throat: Raw honey is known for its soothing effects on sore throat and cough. It can form a protective layer in the throat and reduce irritation.
4. Antibacterial properties: Raw honey naturally contains hydrogen peroxide and other substances that have antibacterial properties. This can help treat superficial wounds and skin infections.
5. Healing properties: Raw honey can be used to promote healing of wounds and burns. It has antimicrobial properties that can prevent infections.
6. Improved digestion: Some people use raw honey to relieve digestive problems, such as stomach upset. It can help soothe the stomach wall and relieve heartburn.
7. Allergies: There is some evidence that consuming locally produced raw honey may contain small amounts of pollen, which can help build immunity to allergies.
Raw honey is not suitable for children under 1 year of age because of the risk of botulism.
Keep in mind that while raw honey may have benefits, it is not a panacea. If you have health problems, always consult a health care provider before adding large amounts of raw honey to your diet.
Batch number 20231001

Beekeeper Miroslav filled a hefty number of jars with flower honey and acacia honey. The bees live in the vicinity of Banova Jaruga, several kilometers from Kutina. They feed from unsprayed, organically planted and natural vegetation and are located more than 5 to 7 kilometers away from highways or industry. This means that the honey produced by the bees is of the purest quality! The honey has not been heated and thus comes to your breakfast table raw in 950-gram jars (€16).
Also enjoying this honey? Please email us at info@zelenirubin.com!