In our journey toward living closer to nature, we are also inspired to want to replace the everyday products we use with natural, preferably organic, products. After a quick look at the ingredient list of laundry detergent, it was first up! Willem searched for recipes and spent several days in the kitchen trying out what cleans and smells best. The accumulated laundry was washed in the washing machine with the various homemade detergents and then it was feel, smell and wear and share preferences.
The whole family agrees: this one is the best! The laundry is washed on a normal program, the dosage is the same as we were used to from the detergent from the store with the chemical ingredients AND the laundry still smells just as good after a few days in the closet as it just came out of the washer.
That tasted like more!
With only a few changes in the recipe, the hand soap was replaced and the bottles of shampoo were also allowed to leave the field. Even the bathroom no longer sees chlorine and is scrubbed with natural products!
Wondering how you can use more natural ingredients to wash your clothes, rinse your kids’ paint hands and replace your shampoo from the supermarket? Click here to download the “Naturally Clean” booklet and get started in your own kitchen!