Offline s djecom: izazov bez zaslona
Tko to ne zna? Na trenutak skrenete pogled i vaše je dijete već zgrabilo ekran kako bi bilo zauzeto. Također prebrzo zgrabimo mobitel, na trenutak
Tko to ne zna? Na trenutak skrenete pogled i vaše je dijete već zgrabilo ekran kako bi bilo zauzeto. Također prebrzo zgrabimo mobitel, na trenutak
Who doesn’t recognize this? You just blink with your eyes and your child already has another screen to occupy himself with. We ourselves are also
Upalilo je! U planu je naša prva radionica na farmi! S nadom da ćemo od ljetnih praznika moći jesti iz vlastitog povrtnjaka, žuri nam se
It worked! Our first farm workshop is planned! With the hope of eating from our own vegetable garden as early as summer vacation, we feel
In our journey toward living closer to nature, we are also inspired to want to replace the everyday products we use with natural, preferably organic,
Na našem putu prema životu bližem prirodi, također smo nadahnuti zamijeniti svakodnevne proizvode koje koristimo prirodnim, po mogućnosti organskim, proizvodima. Nakon brzog pogleda na popis
We enjoy the honesty and deliciousness of what we encounter in Croatia, what the people prepare from all that is healthy and pure that comes
Uživamo u iskrenosti i ukusnosti onoga što susrećemo u Hrvatskoj, onoga što ljudi pripremaju od svega onog zdravog i čistog koji dolazi iz njihove zemlje.
Ja sam Arlette. Imam troje djece u dobi od 6 do 19 godina koja me vode sa sobom u svoje avanture. Posljednjih godina sve više
I’m Arlette. I have 3 children between the ages of 6 and 19 who take me on their adventures. In recent years, we have been
en ontvang tips, recepten, inspiratie en meer voor een gezonder, groener leven in je rijtjeshuis of op je landgoed
Ik neem je mee op onze ontdekkingsreis: tussen stad en platteland, tussen Nederland en Kroatië, tussen supermarkt en moestuin & voedselbos, tussen 24/7 wifi en offline leven en tussen ratrace en slow living!
Je vindt hier recepten, DIY tutorials en tips voor natuurlijker, (zelf)bewuster, duurzamer en ontspannener leven in de ratrace of in het groen van je homestead.
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